Introducing our sister company, Cardsprint, for PVC (and other) cards & accessories.
Cardsprint offers a wide range of substrates and printing methods, so whether your customer requires 1 photo ID card, or 1 million loyalty cards, Cardsprint has you covered. Eco-friendly options include recycled PVC, timber and bamboo. Cardsprint can personalise cards with individual names and numbers, or smarten them up with a barcode, encoded magnetic stripe or even an embedded Smart Chip to work in conjunction with a POS system.
The standard size of a plastic card is 85.7mm x 54mm and 762 micron (0.030”) thick which is the size and thickness of a credit card. We can, however, produce plastic cards using thinner or thicker stock if required and to custom shapes and sizes.
98% of our PVC printed cards are made from 100% recycled PVC for the smallest possible carbon footprint. The raw material used for our recycled plastic cards is made from waste from the packaging, window and automobile industries.
Our timber/bamboo cards can easily biodegrade in the natural environment. Wooden cards are durable, reusable, and they provide a unique aesthetic. They can also include a RFID chip for use with door systems, etc. Our cards are certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).
Cardsprint can be contacted by calling 08 8132 2800 or emailing